My Car | Teen Ink

My Car

September 27, 2023
By BigTed9999 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
BigTed9999 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can’t live without my truck for countless reasons. I need my truck to transport myself around town and to go to work as an auto mechanic. I need my truck to drive home after a long tough day of work. My truck is a white 2016 Ford F450. When I need to shop for lots of items, I have a nice big bed to haul my goods back home. 

My 2nd biggest nightmare is losing my home because then I’d have to live in my truck. My #1 biggest nightmare is losing my truck because if I lost it I’d lose transportation of myself, my friends, and my items. If I lost my truck I’d make sure I kept the catalytic converter so I could sell the mercury to help pay for a new truck. If my truck broke down I’d have it back working in no time due to my skilled profession as an auto mechanic. My regular client’s love how quick and efficient I am and some client’s leave pretty hefty tips. 

I enjoy what I do and love helping others. When I see others on the side of the road having all sorts of problems with their cars, I stop and help them free of charge and I enjoy helping them out. I have run into my fair share of thieves trying to steal my client’s catalytic converters but I have very good security and when I get alerted to a thief, I grab a weapon and warn them off. I live in a bustling town, I am known by many due to my award winning skills and great help in the community. I am considering opening another shop and training someone with everything I know to go work there. 

Without my truck I’d never be in this position of expertise as an auto mechanic. When I was learning I used to practice my auto skills on my truck until my boss told me I was at a great level of expertise so I could open my own shop. Before I was let go my boss could tell I was a born natural. 

The author's comments:

I was inspired by coach George 

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