What To Choose | Teen Ink

What To Choose

September 27, 2023
By DjmasterII7 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
DjmasterII7 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One thing that I can’t live without? Well from a scientific standpoint, I couldn’t live without a few things. I couldn’t live without shelter. I couldn’t live out on the streets or even in my car. The heat doesn’t work, and if I lived in my car I'd have to have a lot of gas. I wouldn’t be able to shower so I’d most likely lose my job. No job, no money, so no gas. 

I couldn’t live without food for about three weeks. I couldn’t live without water for 3 days, and I couldn’t live without air for no more than three minutes. 

So, if it's not down to the essential needs of a human and that was all taken care of, then I would probably choose my family. 

I’ve moved multiple times in my life. I've lived with my parents, just my mother, my dad’s dad, and new wife, and my mom’s mom, and I am currently living with my dad’s mom and my grandpa-in-law. I’ve moved from the bottom of the U.S. to the Midwest. 

Sitting in this class, thinking critically, I choose family out of the thousands of choices. 

Family will always be there. Whether I like it or not. I’m always going to have them. I’ve realized that over the years I’ve moved from place to place for multiple different reasons. Bad landlords, bad parents, and a few more, but I see myself as lucky. I’ve not only had the opportunity to see what not to do when I’m a parent, but I’ve also seen different ways to parent. I’ve created multiple bonds with my family. 

When family is always there, I always have someone to talk to. It's free therapy basically. Emotional support, mental support, and a shoulder to cry on is always good for everyone to have. That's why family is essential to me. That’s why I would choose my family as a thing I can’t live without.

The author's comments:

The importance of family. What I would choose to save.

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