I would die without it | Teen Ink

I would die without it

September 27, 2023
By player-3 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
player-3 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I could not live without music, I am always listening to music from Taylor swift to lil wayne.  I listen to music with my AirPods, when I'm in my car, and even when I am at practice.  Most people will think they cant live without their phone but then pick something else so they dont feel guilty. They might also go with things that can easily be replaceable.  I can't pick a person or an activity because that is not exactly a thing, I love playing volleyball and I do it every day, when I go to practice I don't say I have to go to practice I say I get to go to practice because of how much I enjoy it.  So when it comes to saving an activity I would pick volleyball because it's the thing I do the most.  

If I had to pick one thing other than music it would easily be my car.  Music and my car are like therapy, I like listening to music and I like driving fast, I focus on the lyrics and I focus on where I am driving to, and that makes it seem like everything else has disappeared.  With music, I am able to listen to all of these different artists and groups and when I am driving I can go almost anywhere and I can also hang out with my friends and so many other people.  With my car, little things like getting to practice, getting to work, and getting groceries are so much easier.  

At the end of the day, by using my car, getting to my happy place is possible with the turn of a key. I realize that the one thing I could not get rid of would be my car because it might not make me super happy but it is the thing that brings me to the places or activities that make me happy. It's how I get home, how I get to school and the reason I get to go to practice.  There are so many things I wouldn't be able to do without my car and that is why it is the one thing that I can't live without.

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