What is the Definition of a Thing? | Teen Ink

What is the Definition of a Thing?

September 27, 2023
By DrDollHead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
DrDollHead PLATINUM, Hartland, Wisconsin
25 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am a collection of experiences

One thing I cannot live without

Something passed for generations and praised or talked about 

One thing that, although I could physically live 

Mentally I’d be hollow, pale, and with lack of positive

I draw blank, nothing, emptiness

And not because my options seem endless

But because I have nothing that I could not get over

Nothing I wouldn’t forget as I grow older

That is unless I bend the meaning

And changes what it means to call something an thing

To allow for our possibilities to stretch and grow

One thing I cannot live without, I know 

To call my life miserable without 

I say it is my mind, with lack of doubt 

And not my brain despite its mesmerizing capabilities

But the idea of my thoughts and it’s possibilities


It is the little voice in my head who keeps me company 

Or who can make me laugh because I deem me funny

The one who has been with me since I could think

My brains who helps when life makes me wish to sink

I marvel at my accomplishments despite so small

My brain, my anchor, my heirloom shawl

I love the way the my brains mold and changes

Our conversations together could fill the pages 

Of my life, our life, and all we have been through

I owe my accomplishments all to you

My thoughts, they hug, and kiss, and hold me tight

And like a mother, you raised me right

My one and only friend when times get rough

You listen true when I have been through enough

Like soulmates, my mind and I are inseparable

I realize that without my thoughts, life would be unbearable

Me and my mind have something that could never be replicated 

My mind is the only thing that I am sure cannot leave me jaded

And if it did, I feel as though every other pain in existence 

Could not compare to the pain of losing myself in an instance

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