Ich vermisse dich | Teen Ink

Ich vermisse dich

September 27, 2023
By writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
writerboy356 GOLD, West Bend, Wisconsin
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sometimes think about my life without a random item with sentimental value. I think about my Little Miss Sunshine Doll given to me by my Nanu, I think of the octopus plush my Oma gave me when I came out. But this essay is not about that, it's about a nature book from my mom

On the outside it's just any old nature book, But on the inside is a treasure trove of memories. It was originally my Mutti’s(Great Grandmother) book, then it became my Oma’s and now it's my moms and one day I hope it will become mine. For this book means the world to me

I never met my Mutti, but she was a very lucky woman. She could find a four leaf clover anywhere she went and that's what is in the nature book. My mom treasures this book and if we ever had to pick one item to take from our home in a disaster, I’d take that book. It means the world to my mom and me. I never met my Mutti, but I have heard stories about her. How she was a little crazy and Sometimes when I look at my mom I see what could be my Mutti. And this book makes me think of my Mutti

She moved to America from Germany with her two kids, Ute and Karl. My family means the world to me and it makes me sad that I never got to meet my Mutti. Whenever my mom or my Oma find a four leaf clover or sometimes a five leaf clover, they believe that Mutti is watching them, granting them luck. I also believe in this. I have no memories of her and this book makes me feel like she's always been a part of my life. 

I really wish I could have met her once in my life, a time where I would remember her. But alas I have nothing but this book.I can't live without this book. So to my Mutti and her book, Ich liebe und vermisse dich.

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