The Things I Can't Live Without | Teen Ink

The Things I Can't Live Without

September 29, 2023
By ApolloFox SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
ApolloFox SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As life goes on I always think about what would happen if certain things got ripped away from me out of nowhere. These things include: my friends, my family, and my ability to create. These things make me who I am, and without them, who would I be? 

My friends have had a huge impact on me and my day to day life. I know this because I find myself thinking about them all the time. Without them, I wouldn’t have discovered how much I love to express myself through everything I do. They showed me how to be confident with who I am and that people will love me for that. Without them I wouldn’t have the confidence I do now. 

I couldn’t write an essay about things I couldn’t live without, without including my family. I’m very lucky to have extremely supportive parents. Looking at other families and seeing how they navigate their child's life, I wouldn’t want anyone else leading me through life other than them. They have always looked out for me and never forced me to do things that I didn’t want to do. Without my family I wouldn’t be the strong, independent, young woman I am today.

Last but not least, I couldn’t live without my creative mind. If I was just another blank piece of paper in the book of life I don’t know what I would even do. I use drawing, costuming, and sculpting to express things that I couldn’t with words. They are all very special to me even if they don’t turn out how I imagined them to. When going to conventions and wearing my costumes, it puts me into a whole new world.  It makes me realize how much people actually appreciate my work. Without my creative mind I feel like I would be stuck.

People all over the world have many different things they couldn’t live without. For me: friends, family, and my ability to create is what makes me, me. So without my confidence my friends have provided me with, without my strength and kindness my parents have taught me to have, and without my creativity giving me an outlet… I simply wouldn’t be anything.

The author's comments:

This piece is about what things I can't live without and how they have affected me on my day to day life. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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