The last day | Teen Ink

The last day

October 8, 2023
By carterhafer BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
carterhafer BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

      The last day

I took a deep breath then walked through those gym doors for the last time. It was the morning of my middle school graduation and I was excited but sad at the same time about this day. When I got to school, I knew immediately that I would be leaving bawling my eyes out with all my friends. When I got to my classroom, I could tell that everyone was at least a little sad about leaving even the boys who were acting like they weren’t. We went to the cafeteria to have our Panera bagels together then we watched our baby video then we all started crying a bit.

Then the part that killed us all the walkout when everyone in the entire school clapped for us when we walked out of the building. Wow, I thought to myself everyone is doing this for us. It was a real tearjerker because every teacher, every student, and everyone we cared about was there smiling and crying just so happy.

After walkout we all took pictures crying of course but still we all wanted these to be a core memory in our minds and hearts. Then my friend Holland, I, and our moms went to go get lunch and just chat. We talked about graduation and high school. After that we shopped then I went home just to rest before my hair appointment. Holland’s mom picked me up and we went to Dry Bar to get our hair done for the ceremony. I wasn’t sure how I wanted it done either curls or maybe just straight, but I went with some beachy waves. They were kind of big but that doesn’t matter.

 After the hair appointment I went home and started doing my makeup and putting on my dress then on the drive over I was getting all the butterflies. I went up to my classroom and got on my royal blue gown and cap and was so ready to do this. We all walked into the gym and our principal talked about how proud she is of us. Then the moment we were all waiting for the diplomas. Wow, I thought to myself this is real. We each went up and got our diplomas when our names were all called.

After the ceremony we all took pictures and admired the diplomas. After I went out to dinner with my family and my friend’s family. We ate dinner and took pictures in our caps outside. On the way home from dinner, I had the realization that it was all over and I would never see some of these people again.

The author's comments:

This piece was written about my last day at a school that forever changed my life

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