My Name | Teen Ink

My Name

April 19, 2024
By pkussow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
pkussow SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In Greek my name means rock. It's such a boring thing to be named after. What does it do? Just sitting there, doing nothing. I love my name, but when I first learned the meaning my sister made fun of me. 

“Rock, just as stupid and boring as you are,” she exclaimed.

I had no comeback. She was right, a rock did nothing and was boring. I went on with this as a thought in the back of my mind. Over the years I realized that a rock is more than something that just sits there. It is the foundation of the earth and everything we know of. After thinking about the uses of a rock and realizing everything uses rock, I figured I am more like one than I realized.

A rock is someone that you can lean on. Someone who understands you and you can go to when you have a problem. I feel like a rock - someone to talk to. I enjoy helping people through their situations and being there for them. I’ve always enjoyed helping people and many times find it as a release. Something I am good at and something that I can do at any time for anyone. I find it as an escape from the troubles and the worries that flood my brain, and it makes me feel good about myself. 

Rocks can also make beautiful things. Whenever people think about rocks, they think about the pebbles on the ground or the rocks at the bottom of a lake, doing nothing and being useless. People don’t think of some of the most beautiful sights in the world. The Grand Canyon. The Great Wall of China. The Great Pyramids. The most beautiful things are made of rock. Although they seem boring on the outside, rocks are some of the most important things in life as we know it.

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