More Than a Name | Teen Ink

More Than a Name

April 22, 2024
By 5haas BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
5haas BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Gabrielle Tyrrell Haas. My full name. I never hear my full name together, but each of them defines an important aspect of my life. 

Gabrielle. Meaning “God is my strength.” I live my life for Jesus. With him, life is better, but it is not easier. I put every failure and success up to him because he is my strength. A common phrase I say: “Bless Up,” reminds me that every success I have academically or athletically does not make me a better person, it is all for God and to glorify him. When struggles arise, I put my faith in Jesus because he knows all and has a plan for me. Recently, my grandma got sick and passed away. My family experienced a tough four months, but I turned to God and put my worries up to him.

Tyrrell. A family name. It was my grandma’s maiden name, which she passed down to my dad as a middle name. They are two of the best leaders I know. They have defied and broken barriers to help those in need. From them, I have learned: “Lead for others, not for yourself” and put everything I have into everything that I do. I use this every day in sports and the clubs at my school. Since a young age, I have been noticed for my leadership characteristics. This year in basketball I got the “We>Me” award. This award is given to those who put everything into the program, regardless of what they get out of it. Through my Grandma’s and Dad’s guidance, I have been able to allow other people to discover their leadership characteristics and influence them to put everything they have into everything they do.
Haas. My last name reminds me of my core family values. Haas’s are known to be strong, hardworking, determined, and filled with love. We work to make our families proud. “Remember who you are;” a common phrase used by the Haas family is a constant reminder to me to make the right decisions that bring good to the family name. It allows me to work and strive for greatness when peer pressure arises. It reminds me that every decision I make doesn’t only reflect me, but my family. In high school, the pressures to drink and vape are strong. “Everyone does it, you’ll be fine” is what everyone tells me. Whenever people try to pressure me, I stay true to my values and think of my dad saying “Remember who you are.” I use this as motivation to accomplish what I do and make sure life distractions don’t put shame on my family name.

Although my name, Gabrielle Tyrrell Haas, defines certain aspects of my life, it doesn’t control or define me. It allows me to remember what and who I am. As I move through life, I will add to the meaning of my name and allow it to transform the values of my life.

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