Thunder Hawk | Teen Ink

Thunder Hawk

May 1, 2024
By Marander BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
Marander BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to scream and cry in front of almost a thousand people up in the air?

I remember when I was nine years old, my cousin and her family had invited me to go to Michigan adventures during the summer. I immediately said yes without realizing that I didn’t like big roller coasters at that age, but I still said yes. Unfortunately I still had a month before summer started.

It was 3 days after school had gotten out when my parents and I arrived at my grandma’s house where I would meet my cousin. I was so excited, I was jumping on my grandma's railings and I couldn’t stop talking. I was like a radio station that talks about random things because they don’t know what to talk about. Soon shortly after we said our hi’s and good by’s I was in a black van with my cousin waiting for candy (Get it).

As we were on the way to MA, me and my cousin decided to talk about roller coaster speeds, and one of the rides at Michigan adventures popped up. The website that we had looked at said that the coaster goes up to 70 mph which is basically the same speed that a car went on a highway. As the conversation went on and the longer it got the more stressed and scared I became, by the time we started to arrive in the long line to get in I was sweating, my hands were shaking, and I couldn’t stop talking. The worst part was, even though I had complained and was scared out of my mind for the entire car ride, the first ride that we were going to was “The Thunder Hawk” I at first thought they were joking until we started walking towards it.

As the sun was beating down on my melanin skin I still couldn’t believe that I was going to ride something that makes people’s feet dangle and that has swirls, unexpected turns, and loopty-loops. But as we waited an hour to get on the ride my villain arc had arrived, I said to my uncle “UM MM I actually DON’T WANT TO RIDE THIS RIDE” but he said it was too late and it would be a fun experience, so guess what happened when he said no, I started cry, tears absolutely streaming down my face, you could hear sounds like “AAH” or “I’m gonna die” but for some reason my battle cry to not ride that ride did not work. So I had to figure out a new scheme in the next 20 seconds before this doomsday machine takes me up into the clouds, but because I was only 9 I didn’t have the brain cells to think of anything better other than to cry or scream a “Naughty word” but that was too risky.

As I approached the big dipper I thought it actually going to be all okay until, the roller coaster was going up, up, up, and up it didn’t seem scary at all, but then all of a sudden we dropped “WOO SSSHHHH” a second before this my eyes were wide awake, the next thing I know somehow my head was down and I could only see pitch black, but the crazy part was I was still talking, you could things like “SOMEONE HELP, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME!” or “WHYYYYYYY, I’M GOING TO DIE!” and a little bit of crying was involved in that moment.

In conclusion, Although I was in my world for about 5 minutes, as soon as I got off the ride people were staring at me, and I had no clue why. Until we got to the water park and that’s when I realized that there were so many people watching that ride, and they probably saw me cry.

The author's comments:

This is about the time that I cried in front of a lot of people, and it was my first time riding a roller coaster.

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