A snowy day | Teen Ink

A snowy day

May 3, 2024
By Anonymous

The yellow grass laid flat under the snow, being pushed under the weight of the fluffy pile of snow. You can see your breath in the chilly air as you breathe. Children giggle as they push each other into the cold slush. Their parents stood at the porch with mugs of hot chocolate in hand.  You catch snowflakes on your tongue  or try and see if it keeps shape once you grab it.

“Hey.” My friend, Brooklyn, says, waving to me as she approaches. “Beautiful isn't it?” I reply, motioning to the view in front of me. “Yeah,” she says before tapping my shoulder. “Last one to the tree is a rotten egg!” Brook laughs before running down the hill. “Hey! Not fair!” I shout, running after her. The cold air hit my face like an icicle as I ran. I look at Brooklyn who was laughing before I saw her trip and faceplant into the snow. After a bit a chuckling, I help her up. Her face was bright red, she shook the snow out of her hair. "Can we go inside now?" She sighs.

I laugh before responding, "Okay, we can make hot chocolate." Once we arrive at my house, I heat up some milk and chocolate. Once it's finished, we sit by the window and enjoy the sight of the snowy landscape.

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