My Time In New York City | Teen Ink

My Time In New York City

May 28, 2024
By CalebK BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
CalebK BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a moment of pure bliss, flying into New York City for the first time. The buildings were taller than I had ever seen, and walking into Time Square for the first time felt like a fever dream. While time was fleeting, and people everywhere were rushing to get to places, I just wanted to stop and look around. The deeper into the city we got, the more mountainous the buildings got, each one towering over the one before it. 

Later that day, we got to the hotel, and swiftly unpacked our luggage. I opened the window to look outside.

“This view is incredible!” I said as I gaze in wonder.

As the days in the trip go on, my love for the city grows more. With each turn around a block, I just become more and more amazed. At one point, we went to the top of the Rockefeller Center. The view from up there was like none other. On one side of the building you got to see all of central park. On the other side, you got to see the buildings, and right in the middle of that view is the Empire State Building

As the trip closes to an end I keep looking at everything as if it is the last time I will see it. I board the plane and look out the window as we take off. As I am looking at the buildings that fade away, I am in a moment of pure bliss once again.

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My trip to New York

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