I Grew Up Here | Teen Ink

I Grew Up Here

June 5, 2024
By ellaserwin SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ellaserwin SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hartland–a small suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A community of 9,976 people as of 2022. A community of family and friends. Most of all, a community of hope.

I have put a lot of thought into the question, “Did you enjoy where you grew up?” It is a hard question to put the correct answer to. Of course there are some days where I think to myself, I need to get out of this stupid small town. However, when I look at the big picture, I think to myself, I never want to leave this stupid small town.

I have lived in the same small neighborhood my whole life, had the same neighbors, the same house, basically the same everything. I’ve had the same friends since elementary school and have been intertwined with the same people my whole life. I’ve been to the same football games supporting the community’s high school since I could walk. I never realized when I was younger just how much I would grow to love this community, until I got to the point where I will need to leave it for college in a year.

Hartland is only short of ten thousand people, but the community feels small and compact as one, while still being inviting. Hartland is like a best friend you can always rely on. The community events like the Holiday Train, Hawks Fest, and more always give you things to look forward to and give you the ability to reconnect with each other. 

My mom asked me the other day, “Do you want to live here when you're older?” DING! 

Automatically, I sincerely said, “Yes.” I could not imagine growing up anywhere else, and I especially could not imagine raising a family of my own anywhere else, one day. 

As I commence into the next chapter of my life, going to college in the south (hopefully), there will never not be a day where I miss Hartland. I admire everything about this community, I’m its number one fan. 

However as Hannah Montana always says, “you’ll always find your way back home,” and that is something I will always look forward to as my life keeps moving forward into the future.

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