From silence to strength | Teen Ink

From silence to strength

December 20, 2024
By Anonymous

Growing up as a shy kid, I learned how to stay quiet. I’m good at listening, watching, and observing. However, sometimes I struggled with being social—figuring out the right thing to say in a millisecond is harder than it seems. What will make others laugh? What will make other people like me? The fear of being the odd one out scares me. I wear what's trending, take classes that everyone else is taking, and always follow the norm.

Being a teenager, I see how hate fills the halls. I’m always in the loop with the latest gossip and have adapted to these hurtful dynamics. People seem to elevate themselves by making others feel small. When I hear these things, I want to explode. It’s even worse when they point things out about me. A pit fills in the bottom of my stomach and my brain spirals. Embarrassed. Sad. Angry. I want to point out everything they've ever done wrong, from big to small. But I don’t.

Every day, I navigate the social maze, trying to balance my values with my desire to fit in. It’s exhausting to engage in conversation when I know it's wrong or hurtful or when I disagree. However, sometimes I get wrapped up in the moment and say something without thinking. At that moment, it's all fun and games. Everyone’s laughing and smiling. I feel good until the regret hits me like an anchor. What if they find out what I said? I hope they know I didn’t mean it. I swear it just came out. Once the words are said, they can’t be taken back. 

This occurrence happens to everyone. As humans, we crave acceptance and the need to belong. No one wants to be mean: they just want to be liked. They want to be included. They want to have friends. They want people to want them. However, this comes with sacrifices. Be a good person on the inside, or look like a good person on the outside. People's experiences make them who they are and in these moments I’m reminded of the importance of resilience and kindness. I often remember days when a simple compliment turned my day from bad to good in an instant. 

The impact of words extends beyond moments. It shapes self-esteem, relationships, and future interactions. People need to be more diligent in how their words affect others. The infinite power of words can change our world. Imagine a world where people choose kindness daily, compliments are carelessly given, and encouragement replaces criticism. If more people spent time in their day building people up, there would be less judgment, fewer standards, and less pressure to conform. Maybe people wouldn’t try so hard to fit in. Maybe more people would try new things for themselves. Being unique would no longer be seen as an outlier but rather celebrated as the new normal. Our world would shine bright and the halls that once echoed with negativity would radiate positivity. 

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