Memories | Teen Ink


January 11, 2010
By sagiegirl SILVER, Houston, Texas
sagiegirl SILVER, Houston, Texas
7 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Track. Some people think TRACK?? Why would someone like to run around in a circle over and over? Well, in fifth grade this was the same reaction I had when I heard about track. I would think, Track equals running, and running isn’t fun. It’s just a waste of time and energy. When I was thinking of a hobby to do I tried soccer and volleyball, I was good at soccer, but it didn’t feel right for me. I was more that good at volleyball, but still it didn’t feel right. I never thought of running as a hobby, but you never know till you try.
In fifth grade all of the girls were invited to run track with the middle school. Only four girls were doing track because the rest of them decided to do cheerleading. My mom told me, “Sage, you either do track or cheerleading. If you don’t choose I made you do both.” I thought about it and cheering means that I would have to be loud. I didn’t like being loud so I considered running track. Track could be better; I wouldn’t have to talk to anyone. But, RUNNING!! Are you crazy?
I ended up choosing track, not knowing that I would soon fall in love with it. In the beginning of my first meet it started to rain. There were clouds everywhere, and not a single sight of the sun. On top of all the raining I was trembling with fear when I saw all of the girls from different schools, because they were fast. That day my coach decided to make me run the mile and I thought to myself, This is not a good idea. I decided not to talk to the coach and I ran the mile, just as I thought, NOT A GOOD IDEA. I barely made it to the finish line without passing out. I did fine the first two laps, then I started my third lap and I started to hurt . On my fourth lap I felt like I couldn’t move on any farther, but I told myself “Sage, you have to at least finish this race.”
Next season came and again my mom forced me to do track. I was like, Are you kidding me, I’m in middle school, the homework is piling up, and you want me to run track? Well this season was different from last year; we had a new coach that forced me to try new events. The first practice of the season we were doing sprints, endurance runs, and field events; by the end of that practice I was tired. Our coach said, “This practice is for me so see what you can and can’t do.” It ended up that I was a good jumper and sprinter. I told myself, This isn’t too bad.
A meet was coming soon and I found myself thinking, Is there a way I can perfect my running? Can I win the race? I hope it would be bright and sunny. That meet went exactly as I planned it and I got very close to winning. The weather was great, and I felt so happy when I ran. I felt as if I was floating on a nice, big, fluffy cloud.
Seventh grade, YES!! I made it half way through middle school and I think I found an excellent hobby. Track started and I felt like I was training really hard in the events I liked and were good at. All of my training finally paid off when I won first in the fifty- five meter dash. My coach was so proud that our school finally won. At the end of the meet he came up to me and said, “Sage, do you know what high school you’re going to?”
I replied, “Yes, I think I’m going to Houston Christian.”
After I said Houston Christian his face lit up and he asked me, “Are you going to run track for them?”
“I’m not sure if I want to do track, because I think I want to focus on school the first year,” I told him. When I said that I wanted to focus on school; I told myself, Sage, you’re such a nerd.
“Sage, I think you should do track the first year, because if you don’t your body won’t be in shape. You should also do it because you are very good at running, but some coaches teach differently and the first year could help you get used to the way they teach,” he informed me.
I thought about for a while and said, “Ok, I think will do it then.” As I walked away I said to myself, “Sage, you should go on with track, you hear what coach said. AND you are still looking for a hobby. This could be a hobby that you love.” When I was in the car going home, I sat quietly and stared out the window thinking, Wow I finally found something that I am good at. What else could make this better, ummm… NOTHING.
Eighth grade came and all I could think was, YESS!!!! My last year here at this school, I am at the top of the food chain. So track was starting up again and practice was fine, but I got new coaches. They didn’t know what I could do so I had to show them that I could do the long jump and run anything under four hundred meter. Our first meet went well, but it wasn’t up to me standards. Then finally at our third meet I got first place in the four by two hundred and the fifty-five meter dash. To add to that I was running in the varsity heat, which is much harder than you can possibly imagine. As they were giving me my ribbons I told myself, Yes!!! All those years trying to find what I was good finally paid off.
That year we finally won a district banner and the last time we got a banner it was in 1997, I think. I felt so proud of my track team and I felt like I contributed a lot to the team. When they told us that we won the banner I thought, This I what I need to keep doing. There is nothing else I want to do other than run. I need this sport to let go of my worries. To feel FREE.
At the end of all this trouble, I finally found something I think is great. I finally found my passion, something I can put all my heart and soul into. Something that lets me feel free. I also learned that it takes time to find something you like. For example I had tried volleyball, basketball, soccer, and pep squad, but in the end my passion was something I used to hate.

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