The Untitled Poem | Teen Ink

The Untitled Poem

February 3, 2010
By paperpen4 BRONZE, Middlefield, Massachusetts
paperpen4 BRONZE, Middlefield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

SLAM! I’m running. I can’t go far, but I am going. I don’t care if it’s raining, I love rain. Why should I be afraid of something I love, maybe because I love it too much? As I run my heart has a pound with each second of my life, like a constant knocking at the door you can’t stop. It pounds so loudly to my ears as if its volume is past the limit. My feet slush against the softened ground, while little water drops spring from each step. An evil smile spreads across my face as my power becomes more and more heavier, bulging with presence. A feeling of freedom passes through me. The feeling that doesn’t last for long. My breathe intake and exhale begins to increase with much more desperacity than before. Rain fires all around me, creeping into my eyes and the creases of my lips. My arms slaying around me, not worrying about the surroundings. As for my legs they heave harsh force against the earth, as a jolt of power stretches up from my feet to upper thigh. I run faster until…I produce the rain this time myself. I fall hard to the ground and realize the only rain around me was my own salty rain the releasing of my pain.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 18 2010 at 10:06 am
paperpen4 BRONZE, Middlefield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments
thanks soo much!!!! that helps me keep going!!

on Feb. 17 2010 at 7:23 pm
love it! u really infused the feelings right in nice imagery too. Great job!