Why Me, Why Me, Why Me? | Teen Ink

Why Me, Why Me, Why Me?

March 6, 2010
By dodochop SILVER, Amity, Oregon
dodochop SILVER, Amity, Oregon
9 articles 18 photos 1 comment

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Everything happens for a reason, they may be sucky reasons but they are reasons.

I am a girl that since I was about 7 I have had OCD. Alot of kids growing up thought I was just weird or a goody-too-shoes, but what they nor I knew was that I had a very difficult problem, with a "disease" called OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder. I was never really popular because I was to afraid to ask anybody to be friends, I was afraid of rejection, but if I was taught at a younger age what OCD was, I may have been able to get the help I so desperatly need. 9 years later I now don't go to school or have any friends, I personally think that disorders like OCD should be confronted more in school instead of saying a kid has ADD or is just going through a faze because this is the longest stage of my life.

The author's comments:
This issue is really close to my heart, because OCD has controlled me for so long.

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