MOVE!!!!!! | Teen Ink


March 26, 2010
By rclark29 SILVER, Sloatsburg, New York
rclark29 SILVER, Sloatsburg, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I walk into the school and I see them walking. I catch up to them and I am caught behind them. There’s no way to get by them or avoid them. It’s like walking behind snails. They won’t even move. They’re covering the whole hallway so I can’t get by. I am screaming in my head for them to move.

They’re talking to their friends and all I hear are my thoughts in my head. I want them to move so I can get to my class and not am late. We get by my classroom, and I immediately turn right. Finally I am Able to walk at my own speed and not super slow. I’m so glad I’m not behind them anymore. When there is no time left in class I try to hurry up and not get caught behind them again.

Of course I get caught right behind them. It seems like their classes are always next to mine. This time I stop and wait for them to get further down the hall. When they do I start walking at a normal speed. I catch up to them and I really get mad. It looks like that idea didn’t work. As I’m walking behind them I think of and idea, since I have a lot of time before I get to my class. I turn into my class and I see them keep walking down the hall. I don’t think that their class is next to mine. So I’m happy now since their class isn’t near mine.

I get out of my class and don’t see them anywhere. I turn the corner headed to my class and I see them. I turn the corner headed to my class and I see them. I see them walking as slow as possible. I try to avoid them by turning and going up the stairs, but it seemed like they started going faster. It seems like it because they caught up to me. I thought this could finally be it, them walking faster, but I was………………

WRONG. Once I get behind them they start walking slow again. I thought that they were fast but nope. Their just as slow as ever. Just like snails. This time I see a gap on the other side of the hallway. I speed up and go through the gap and cut them off. I can finally get to my class with time to spare. I don’t have to wait behind them ever again, unless there is not that gap.

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