The Annoying Parents | Teen Ink

The Annoying Parents

March 23, 2011
By kateannsavage BRONZE, Belle Plaine, Minnesota
kateannsavage BRONZE, Belle Plaine, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Mostly every teenager has had a case of the annoying parents at one point in time. That would include the annoying parents who want to know everything about their teen from what their doing to who their texting. I believe that some parents purposely try to argue with their teen just to let them know their right. Parents will speak their mind to us teens, but if we try to speak our minds back we get in even more trouble.

One of the worst things about annoying parents is the fact that they have their teens cell phone number. They’ll call all the time, even if it’s just to chat. I think that is super annoying because they know that their teen is out and about, and when they get home they’ll talk to their parents. No need for the calls.

Another annoying thing about parents is that they are friends with their teen on Facebook. If there is a status update they will comment on it or like it, which is annoying because it is embarrassing. They can also see their teens pictures, the ones their tagged in or the ones they uploaded. This is annoying because if there is a picture that they don’t like they make the teen delete it.

The absolute worst is when the teen will ask to do something and the annoying parents say no and then give a huge explanation of why. I always get it where I ask to do something and my parents tell me I never do anything around the house, and I’m so ungrateful. So then the answer is a strong no.

A couple things I hate about my annoying parents is in the mornings before school they will come down to my room and try to get me up a thousand times before mt alarm clock even goes off. Another thing is when I’m driving, they stress me out so much. I’ll be doing something perfectly fine and they’ll scream in my ear telling me something, like I’m doing it wrong.

I love my parents to death, they give me everything I want. With this hard, stressful life of being a teenager, annoying parents is the last thing I want to deal with. Shout out to annoying parents; YOU'RE ANNOYING!

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This article has 2 comments.

Phantomeriko said...
on May. 15 2015 at 1:07 pm
i can totaly agree with that 'cause my parents bought a new laptop for me, but with the condition of good grades in a school subject where i always get a grade d or worse

Emil said...
on Jan. 29 2015 at 12:41 am
yup. not so fun