Opening up to people | Teen Ink

Opening up to people

April 27, 2011
By quotes101 BRONZE, Northampton, Pennsylvania
quotes101 BRONZE, Northampton, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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It's as if, we as people, don't know what true love is, but yet we seem to think we know.

My life has been nothing but great memories, and is stored in one giant folder, however when I try to open up to people I just freeze up like a computer and never become unfrozen unless someone presses my Ctrl.,Alt, and delete keys to restart me. I wish I could be more open, but no matter how hard I try to open up in front of people I just end up frozen again. My hearts' decision ends up taking over and I cannot talk even if I really, truly want to. I really would like to be more open towards people and have embarrassing moments, and maybe even fail a test or two, but even if I don't try I still end up passing. I mean, I don't study, I never have and I won't start. My life will never be the way I want it because apparently my heart does not want me to have those moments, but instead wants me to be smart and thoughtful. It never lets my brain into the picture because my heart always wants to be first.

The author's comments:
The thing that inspired this, was myself, being 2 different people at 2 different times instead of being just one person and how I don't really open up to people all that fast.

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