When My World Fell Apart | Teen Ink

When My World Fell Apart

September 1, 2011
By Jessica Chiles BRONZE, Hooper, Colorado
Jessica Chiles BRONZE, Hooper, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She can’t open her eyes or speak, but I know she can hear me. What she doesn’t know is how worried and frightened I am that I will lose her one of these days, very soon. I see her laying there in pain and agony wishing I could heal her and take that horrible pain called cancer away from this amazing person who gave me life.

I start my sister’s graduation music and watch as she and my cousin walk slowly into the room in there light blue graduation gowns and graduation caps. My mom still can’t talk or open her eyes but I know she has been holding on just to see my sister graduate. As the music plays, tears start falling down my face while I think about how it will be when she is gone. I know that some day soon she won’t be in pain and will be in that wonderful place we call heaven. ***

Early the next morning, I know something is dreadfully wrong when I hear the soft sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Before the footsteps get to mine or my sisters room, I know what is going on. She is gone. All of a sudden my chest clenches and I feel as if someone has punched me right in the throat. I sprint to my sister and dad out in the hall and throw my arms around my sister. There is a never ending river of tears flowing down my face. My heart is like a piece of paper that has been torn into a million pieces. ***

I walk into the dark room where my mother is just to say bye and see her face again for the last time. Her eyes are closed and it looks like she is in a deep sleep. I hug her feeling how cold she is. The only place that is warm on her fragile body is her hand where she is holding a cross.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 3 2011 at 11:21 am
onedirectionlover GOLD, Hampton, Virginia, Virginia
16 articles 3 photos 37 comments
That's so sad.