Drowning in the Deepest of My Troubles | Teen Ink

Drowning in the Deepest of My Troubles

July 17, 2012
By Rawr. BRONZE, Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
Rawr. BRONZE, Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
2 articles 3 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Shaw

Slipping under the delirious rose vines, I escape into the arms of an old and doddering oak tree, one in which I had depended on for comfort and friendship for many years. Now old and withered, my ancient friend is slightly unstable but, still offers a first-class view. Perched upon an nonfluctuating branch, I am engulfed in tonight's symphony, the musicians themselves no where to be seen. Overcome by a moment of beauty, I gaze up into the aphonic trees and watch as minuscule sparks of light shatter the darkness of the night. Still stunned by their beauty, I watch as one of the musicians floats down in front of me, a puny lightning bug. Astonished, I gaze at this gnomish creature as he softly passes by, continuing his part in this extraordinary show of light. As I trace his path of light with my eyes, I catch a glimpse of a familiar figure in the background. This figure is unyielding and imposing yet, at the same time, compassionate and esteemed. With a pleased grin on my face, I await his arrival, still perched in the tree.

When he finally arrives he whispers, “Come on, it's time to go home.”

“I knew you'd find me,” I sobbingly reply as I slip out of my old friend's grasp. Clasping my father's hand, we sorrowfully tread out of the tenebrous forest and escape into the safety of the moonlight, where we both begin our journey back home. And as we walk in silence, a diminutive simper dances across my face, dodging the wet tears that flow down my cheeks so softly. Although these tears may seem to be tears caused by sorrow, they are tears caused by relief. Relief that I have been found when I felt so lost and the feeling that someone so close to me will always be there for me, even when I am drowning in the deepest of my troubles.

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