Transformations | Teen Ink


October 19, 2012
By Haley17 BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
Haley17 BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Get outta here,"

My Aunt Krissy has made a pretty big impact on my life. I was always a huge tomboy, and as I got older, I felt like I should try and be a little girlier. I went to my high heeled, Gucci purse, and bleach-blond aunt for a little girl advice.

First she taught me how to straighten my hair in her huge expensive, looking bathroom with an amazing walk in closet. It was a little challenging at first since I have very frizzy hair that just wants to do its weird, natural thing, but after a few burns, I had mastered the art of straightening my hair. This meant the bird’s nest resting on my head had moved on to find a new home.

Then was the clothes, which was the hardest part, in my opinion. My, aunt however, had always had great style she could pull off both a business look and casual look in any setting. So, she said, “Don’t even worry, I got you covered,” and I put my faith into her and ventured to Ross, now one of my favorite places to shop. The store itself looks a bit rundown and has the occasional kid roaming barefoot through the store, but the clothes were worth the trashy atmosphere. It took some sore feet and a cart or two, but now my aunt asks me if she can borrow my clothes.

Finally came the make up. I hated the idea of looking like some Barbie doll, but she gave me tips on how to look more natural. She said, “Eye liner is never a necessity, just use it as you please, but never use it on your eyebrows!” I was scared to go out in public with make up on, so I kept it in close quarters of my house. I did get pretty good at applying my daily dose of girlieness every day, and I finally showed it off to the world. Now my aunt always asks me what mascara I use or how I get my eyeliner to do that. So, as you can tell, she really helped me look more like a girl. And I can still act like a tomboy, thanks to my aunt Krissy.

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