Damaged | Teen Ink


December 2, 2012
By Anonymous

It was November 11. The day I screwed my life up. If you never what I did you would think that it was nothing. You haven’t met me. I’m the girl that always sits in the back, gets good grades and has almost no friends. For me to even allow myself to have a crush, was a risk.

Now, I was on facebook, I saw he was on. I messaged him. We started talking, that alone amazed me. Yeah, we had talked before, but ever on our own time. He was smart, handsome and I really liked him. What made me message him I have no clue. We talked for hours. I really thought maybe, just maybe I’d be lucky. I asked him if he liked anyone and he said no. He asked me, I told him.

Fast forward 3 weeks. He’s online again. We talk for awhile. Meanwhile, a girl from school messages me. Apparently, there is nobody better to talk to. I told her I was talking to him. She said she was going to set us up. Now, I find out from another girl it was a joke. He has a girlfriend and it was just another game to mess with me.

I must tell you, my whole life people have pretended to like me. Just to see how far it would go. Now, I have forgotten how to trust. They have taken that from me. Sadly, someday if some ever would like me, I’d be to damaged to trust. They over the years have broken me. For me, I know I will never love, for I don’t know how to. I’m too damaged...

The author's comments:
I wrote this one day, just as an outlet for everything I had just gone through. I just thought that I'd put it on here so if you are struggling, to know you can heal, someway, somehow, you will go on. Even if it isn't the way you hoped or planned.

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