Silence | Teen Ink


December 10, 2012
By KenniBops72 BRONZE, Hemet, California
KenniBops72 BRONZE, Hemet, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You know those moments when something so shocking hits you like a moving train? You cant help but think, “This cant be happening.” Sometimes little things in life will go wrong and make you feel like you took something for granted, took someone for granted. Those moments have a chance to change your whole life completely.

My eyes slowly blinked open to hear the loud buzzing in my ears from my alarm clock. As usual I got out of bed, turned it off, then crawled back under my blanket. I hear my door open so I quickly pulled my blanket over my head, knowing it was my mom coming in for her daily routine of waking me up once my alarm clock fails. “I was just closing my eyes for a minute, I’m getting up now.” I mumbled. I stayed there suffocating under my blanket when I thought she left without a mad comment on how lazy I am. Finally, unable to take it anymore, I pulled my blanket off of my face to be relieve with cold, fresh air, yet worried when I noticed my mom’s statue-like figure standing in the doorway. She was still in her pajamas which was unusual considering she had to work. Her eyes were red and puffy, indicating that she didn’t get much sleep , and that she’s been crying. “Will you come down stairs when you get a chance please.” She barely whispered then gently closed my door. What was going on? Why was she crying? I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t realize how much time had past. I got out of bed and took a peek out my door. Down the hall my sister’s door was open, so I figured she was already downstairs. As I walk down to the living room I noticed both my brother and sister facing my mother and step dad. Judging by their faces I knew they were just as clueless as I was. I took my spot right next to my brother with my sister on his right side. We all look up to my mom who looked like she was about to burst into tears all over again. As she caught her breath, she looked at all three of us and softly said, as clear as she could, “Your father passed away last night.” I went pale white. Those few words pierced me like a thousand needles. If I hadn’t known better I would have swore my heart stopped right there. The room went silent. No dogs barking as usual, no leaking facet slowly dripping, no anything, just silence. The silence was quickly broken by my sister’s loud crying, and for the first time in my life, I saw my brother brake down into tears. Yet I just stood there, emotionless, lifeless, refusing to believe what I had just heard. Within a second I catch myself sprinting to my room. As I slammed my door behind me, I closed off everything. I closed off the devastating cries, I had closed off the sorry look in my parents eyes, I had closed off the world. Pure silence swept my surroundings again. Once my emotions caught up to my thoughts, tears streamed down my cold cheeks, yet everything around me was pure silence.

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