Never Forgotten | Teen Ink

Never Forgotten

January 4, 2013
By Kayleigh PLATINUM, Belmont, New Hampshire
Kayleigh PLATINUM, Belmont, New Hampshire
23 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"when something good is in your grasp do not let it slip away"

I found out I was pregnant with you in February, and I had concieved on Christmas. Daddy and I were very excited nervous but excited nonetheless. For nine long months I awaited your arrival. Daddy and I watched you turn, kick, and even punch. You only responded when daddy was around. I could tell that you would be a daddy's girl. As the months went by it seemed as though your due date was becoming so far away, and waiting was taking forever. Your family was waiting and mommy and daddy were becoming impatient. But we knew we had to wait for you to be ready. September finally came... The 26th seemed so far away it seemed as though it would never arrive. When your due date came mommy went to the hospital because of labor pains. They checked you and mommy and said that you were not ready yet. So grammy, daddy and mommy went back home. "No baby yet" I told auntie. On October 1st mommy was having more intense labor so we went back to the hospital. But we didn't know that our lives were going to change forever on this very night. The doctors hooked me up to a monitor. "No heartbeat " They said. But they continued to look still. Six more machines and two ultrasounds later we received the bad news... The doctor came in and told us that you would not be coming home and that you had passed away in my tummy. Mommy and daddy did not understand how this happened. The next day I gave birth to you all natural no medications. The pain was so intense but my mind was not even all there. Daddy held my hand through the whole entire ordeal. If daddy was not there I don't think that I could have dealt with this. When you were born at 9:05 am the doctors asked if I wanted to hold you. I was afraid... I could not stop crying. A little while later daddy and I had some alone time with you. We held you and took pictures of you. You were and still are so beautiful. You looked just like daddy to a T. We spent two more days with you and then sent you in for an autopsy. When we got the results they did not make any sense. They came back negative for everything nothing was wrong. Daddy and I didn't understand. We had you cremated in the outfit daddy bought for you to wear when you came home. We put you in an angel urn. It's so beautiful just like you. Daddy and I still think of you everyday and every minute. You will never be forgotten because in our hearts you stay forever. Rest in peace mommy and daddy's beautiful angel forever and always. 10/2/12
Mommy <3

The author's comments:
This piece is 100% true about my daughter and the heartbreak.

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