It's On! | Teen Ink

It's On!

January 11, 2013
By ZachDavid BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
ZachDavid BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal monday evening over the summer, I was in my room watching tv. It was a lazy day, I was in my sweatpants and t-shirt. It was around 3 o’clock and I heard the blow dryer turn on and didn’t really think about going down stairs to see why...that was a mistake I still regret to this day! My sister wanted to get revenge on me and looked on youtube for the best “prank” in her opinion. Yeah I admit it was pretty good. She took some clear plastic wrap and stretched it across the doorway to the kitchen just high enough for my head to hit and clothesline me. She then took a blow dryer to take the wrinkles out of the plastic wrap so it looked nearly invisible. Her plan was to wait to see if I went downstairs at all then to make her move. She went upstairs where I was and she slugged me as hard as she could, Which made me mad so we rushed down the stairs skipping like four at a time almost falling on our faces. Then she lured me into the trap at the doorway, she ducted I
got hit right in the face which caused me to fall flat on my back. The fall felt like forever, but it happened really fast. I was on the ground speechless not knowing to be in pain or be proud of her for actually pranking ME. I thought I was the prankster of the house. Then she leaned over me with the camera and said “Thats what you get for salting my toothbrush you jerk!”
I replied “It’s on”!

Now lets back track about a week earlier, I wanted to prank my sister just for the reaction. It was a Saturday night around 11 o’clock, the girls were getting ready for bed and I decided to get the salt out of the cabinet and bring it to the bathroom where my sister’s toothbrush was. I then grabbed her electric toothbrush and put A LOT of salt on it then put it under the sink for a second so it didn't look like anything was on it. She was in for a salty surprise. I had the camera set up and waited for her to brush her teeth. Eventually she came in and started, she looked fine till about three seconds passed then she gave the most funniest face I have ever seen her make. She looked at it and threw it away thinking it was moldy or somthing was on it.
My sister yelled,“ZACH!!! WAS THAT YOUR DEFINITION OF PRANK?!?!?!”
“yupperz, why where is it?” I replied

And thats how I defined the definition of “troll” to her.

Of course then she told on me and my mom was mad at me so I had to tell her what happened,
“What did you do that made your sister so mad?” my mom questioned
“Well I wanted to start a prank war with her so I salted her toothbrush and she threw it away thinking something was wrong with it.” I said in a laughing matter
“Zach you shouldn’t do that to her she’s very upset at you.” She replied.

The next day is when she did the clotheslining me. The next prank I did on her was an original one. I set up the camera in the kitchen and took a rubber band and wrapped it around the part next to the fouset so when she turned it on she would get soaked. Thats exactly what happened, we were eating lunch and of course my mom wasn’t home so I didn’t get in trouble. She went to get some water and turned it on and the water soaked her! She was all red in the face, sooo mad at me. She then exploded at me,
I replied, “No?? I don’t think so”
She exclaimed, “Well she told me she would tell you that the war is done!”
“Well she didn’t. do you surrender?” I asked
“YES! i’m done with all this crap! Now I have to go change” She replied

Thats where we left off our prank war. She hasn't pranked me since then and if she does try believe me, It will be World War II all over!

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