The Date | Teen Ink

The Date

February 27, 2013
By Ciearrac3 BRONZE, Brookfield, Georgia
Ciearrac3 BRONZE, Brookfield, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don’t ever forget the moment you began to doubt, transitioning from fitting in to standing out. -Aubrey Graham

What is love? It’s when someone uses the words “I love you” to express how they feel about you, or even you do that. This is shown in a lot of places, really all around the world. Why? I have no idea. Our parents say it all the time as you have probably noticed. They have been though a lot but still stay there for each other and hopefully get to the point where they get married. But not a lot of that happens, but it can.

Love is when people go around saying I love you to they’re parents. Sweet right? I know. You fight at times and you’re still together and strong. Maybe it’s true; family is always there for you. I say I love you to my grandma after we have argued and everything else. It’s mutual for you to argue with them, but not everyone knows that. I’ve been living with my grandma since I was born. Always wondered why my mom wasn’t there. I guess that’s one reason we don’t get along as it is. But there are things you can’t help. Love can be painful, and it can be helpful. It can make your day better. But there is no guarantee.

Love is young and old. Old seems to be the long lasting type. Young is like basically saying I love you to about a million people. Young love is like a pet, once you get it, you love it; but when you have to clean up after it. It’s kind of annoying. One week you love the person, the next you hate them. But it happens. It’s crazy how love gets thrown around with no meaning. Why say it if you don’t mean it? Old Love, it seems like a strong type of love. Something that isn’t usually broken. That kind of love is like trying to kill a stink bug, the more you try, it still doesn’t die, and the odor (love) just gets stronger.

Love is hurtful. You can love someone else and make someone else mad or sad even. It can cause jealousy and a loss of a friend. Then there are people who stop talking to you because of the person you are with. Why? I have no idea. I wish I knew. I mean it’s stupid to me. Why lose someone cause of the person they are with? Selfish people these days.

Love to me, is something that i won’t express to anyone but my best friends and family. Well not even my family, but that’s another story. I don’t think I can tell someone I love them and not mean it. Doesn’t it sound kind of stupid, even a little stupid? But I guess it’s something you can’t stop.

Love is way different from hate. Hate can make you do different things. Hate is also an example of what happens when jealousy is shown. Some people handle it well, a lot of them don’t, it gets to the point where they decide to try and break them up. To me that’s low down and dirty. I guess people feel good when they accomplish things like that. Hate is just, unexplainable, it’s a dislike. Well not even a dislike, just… HATE. Love I like for one thing because it can be shown to anyone you want. I think that’s got to be the best effect of it.

At the end of the day, you can’t tell someone how to “love”, so it doesn’t help telling someone to not say it at certain times. That reminds me when my grandma told me to stop saying that. Yes I believe love is so cute, and nice, but some has no need of use at times. But it’s also one of a kind.

The author's comments:
The + A Noun memoir , it was given to us by my literature teacher.

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