Hollow | Teen Ink


March 10, 2013
By iamnumbernine BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
iamnumbernine BRONZE, Syracuse, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The fact that someone can be breathing one second and not the next is one of the scariest things imaginable. The person you were just talking to three seconds ago could be gone, and you would never be able to hear their voice again. You would never be able to see their smile light up a room, or laugh at one of their terrible jokes. After someone dies, we walk around aimlessly, our heads bowed. Even if we only knew of the person's name. It seems weird that laughter existed before this, and how you could laugh yourself. Last week you walked the halls, laughing, smiling joking around. You walked the halls with her. Now she's gone, and with her she took laughter. It seemed as if she possessed whatever it was that made us laugh. A black cloud is hanging over the halls. Everything is eerily quiet, our voices have been silenced. It's like we have no idea how to operate after someone is gone. After she's gone. They try to tell us she's in a better place; but how can we believe them if we don't know what the place is like? We're just trying to cope with the fact that we're never going to see her again. No one is ever going to see her again. They tell us that it will get better, and we'll get over this, but how could you even think about being happy in the absence of a life? We'll spend time in tears, pleading with the lord, or some higher power we hope is there. We'll ask for her back, take me instead, you'll plead. We get no response, and we feel guilt. She had so much promise, so much talent, just gone. You'll beg and plead to be traded, your talents aren't nearly as extravagant as hers. No one will miss me you tell yourself. Not as much as people miss her. As they lower her casket into the ground, you'll make one last request, please, take me. Once again you'll go unanswered. You'll walk away from her grave feeling empty, hollow. There is nothing inside of you, no emotion. You feel lost and scared. You cling to your loved ones, as you should. You cry every time her favourite song comes on the radio, because she'll never be able to dance to it again. You'll feel as if you're haunted by her, and that's okay, because at least you know she's there.

The author's comments:
Dedicated to Anna P.

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