Things Teens Do! | Teen Ink

Things Teens Do!

March 20, 2013
By Anqiee1015 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Anqiee1015 BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason "

Have you ever walked out your house or your family’s house, and there were drug dealers at the corner or on the block? Do you want to take the drug dealers off your block?

One day I came out my grandmother house and it looked like a McDonalds drive-thru because their were cars going by waiting to buy drugs from people who sold it. Seeing that on my grandmother block and my uncle and brother seeing them making a lot of money, they decided to join along. They would go across the street and sell drugs it was an embarrassment for me to walk right by my uncle and brother and for them to be posted on the corner like a mall box.

One day the whole block gathered together at night and made a planned their plan was to take drugs off the street no matter who it was, they needed to learn their lesson. This one morning were everybody came out and called the cops and everybody surrounded the block and they couldn’t go anywhere they were mad at them and got locked up including my uncle and brother.

Until this day some people are locked up and the one’s that came out thanked them because they did what was best and it made them into a better person. But some came out to the same thing some were killed and some are alive. Some show their kids and grow up to that, and some teach their kids to do good. Now everybody is happy and are thankful.

The author's comments:
I have watched my uncle and my brother go this way. I would not like for nobody to go threw this.

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