The Magic of the Moment | Teen Ink

The Magic of the Moment

April 18, 2013
By Fatema BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
Fatema BRONZE, Tucker, Georgia
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Forget about all the reasons why something may not work. You only need to find one good reason why it will work."
Dr. Robert Anthony

The clock struck 3 am and the night was still scorching. My mom was driving while I sat in the back seat thinking while staring out the window into a landscape full of trees. That night, I was wearing a fancy, heavy dress and a golden charm bracelet that I admired the most. The bracelet would always be present at special occasions. Today was just a mundane day until I realized that my bracelet went missing! I didn’t notice it was gone until my mom and I was only 15 minutes away from reaching my house. When I realized the bracelet disappeared, I felt very depressed. In a split second, my mom asked if I was still wearing the bracelet, as if she had read my mind! I was stumbling when I started to respond to her question which gave it away. She knew I had misplaced it! Thoughts about her consequences raced in my mind, one after another. She started yelling so loudly that the whole city could hear her. I started crying softly, feeling guilty, but she didn’t understand. She just kept yelling at the top of her lungs. We stopped at my aunt’s house because my mom had to bring something home for work. As I stepped inside the door, my grandma asked me I was whimpering. Before I even got to speak, my mother told her the whole story angrily. My grandma cut her off in the middle of her sentence and told her exactly where she had seen that golden bracelet right before she had left. My grandmother stated that she saw on the floor near a popular corner. She supposed it was mine, but she didn’t know that for a fact, so she had put it on the tables were everyone meets once in a while. After my ears heard that, I couldn’t believe and my hope rose to the sky. I wiped away my tears using the back of my hands and quickly grabbed a phone to call my dad. The phone call was to tell him to bring my charm bracelet home that night. When he had brought it home, I was so blissful and yet my mom was still furious. I had never felt that glad in my life before that moment. I stay there laying in my bed, thinking what a fairy tale ending… Happily Ever After.

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