My Dog Oackley | Teen Ink

My Dog Oackley

May 31, 2013
By bbman22 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
bbman22 BRONZE, Park Ridge, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My Dog Oackley

As long as I could remember, my family and I had a dog named Oackley. He was a chocolate labrador. He had brown eyes, brown fur, and stood to about two and a half feet tall. His fur was a smooth as a brand new shaggy rug; a smooth deep feel with the stroke along his side. He was unique in a way because on his back right foot there was only two paws instead of three. Whenever I approached him his long brown tail would wag side to side like a metronome set on 100 beats per minute. He performed many tricks. Oakley new how to shake, speak, sit, lay down, and his most favorite the roll over. I took him on many walks as a owner should do. He loved the water. During the summer my family and I would go to our cottage located in Nekosa, Wisconsin, and during our trip we would head over to the lake and relax and fish of the ridge. Oackley would jump of the doc and chase a tennis ball that either me or my brothers threw into the water until the dog would tire. I believe he’s faster than Micheal Phelps in the water, that’s how good of a swimmer he was. He loved the water. Oackley only barked when he had to use the restroom and when he wanted to go for a walk, never did he bark at other dogs. He was the most friendliest dog i’ve ever seen and was the best friend I ever had.

A month ago all was going well. After school I would pull up in my driveway, get out the car, walk to my doorstep and I see my beautiful dog Oackley waiting at the door. I was happy, and my dog looked happy. One night my family and I was watching tv including and the dog was laying in his bed right by the television, we were watching the Voice a singing show, but about 830 at night my dog started to sound funny. He sounded like a person who just ran a mile who held his breath till the finish line. I was the first person to realize his struggle to breath and I went up to him put my hand on his head and in an instant he stopped and came to a controlled breath. No one in my family said anything except my mom. ‘ He’s okay.’ I looked at her then at my dog and back at my mom and finally I arose and marched straight to my room. It was the day after that when it happened again. When I entered the house after school, Oackley got excited to greet me. He licked my hand about 50 times and then traveled to his bed. After throwing my back pack in my room I heard my dog breathing deeply from across the house. Not again. I ran over to him and petted his head. After about a minute or two he went to normal. I told my mom that it happened again and that he should go and see a vet. She agreed and we took Oackley to the vet.
The vet said that there were going to keep him overnight just to be safe. To be safe, safe from what, us? I couldn’t sleep that night. I was wondering if my dog was stuck in some warn down cage, and I was thinking did they give him water and food and I was worried how his health was and, if they could fix him. The next day, I think it was a saturday, my father received a phone call, I looked at him and he nodded his head as if the person on the other side of the call could see. Then he strolled along the perimeter of our living room and then he came to a halt. “Ya that’s what we’ll do. He ended the call looked at me and said he’s in critical condition. “He’s got to be put down.”
I couldn’t stop crying, the pool of tears that came from my eyes soaked into the soft, cloudy, white pillow. I ran over the memories like a vhs tape on rewind. I smiled at one point then cried even harder after. I need to see him. My family and I drove to the Veterinarian. I was the longest most devastating car ride i’ve ever experienced in my life. There was a complete silence in the car, no coughing , no sneezing, and no breathing. It was as if our lips were glued to each other. It almost took five years to get to the darn place and when we arrived my heart stood still. I was the last one to get out of the car and I trailed my family to the door. We all sat down in there uncomfortable hairy chairs. There was a small tv playing some kids show. It was anxiously loud and it was the stupidest show i’ve seen. I remember there was another dog in the lobby, licking my hand and all joyfull. I told the owner get him away from me and she did in disgust. Knowing my dog was in bad conditions made my want to punt this silly looking dog out into the small town of Get Outta Here. When the vet came to us to bring my family in I was excited to see Oackley. His body was shaking, mouth drooling, he was skinnier than the collar around his neck, and the most horrifying thing was his eyes. There was a yellowish tint in his eyes, you could see his body take over his mind in his eyes, his eyes looked straight, motionless. I petted him for the last time said my prayers and walked out and with my anger and disgust I told the vet “put him down already”, and then stormed out the joint.
I recently got another dog. He is five years old, has black fur, and is very energetic. Our family adopted him from some shelter or something. He is blind in one eye but I don't mind it; I think it’s cool. Buddy is his name, and it fits him I guess because to me hes more of a “buddy” than a friend, but that will change, I just need to get to know him better.

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