This I Believe | Teen Ink

This I Believe

June 17, 2013
By rkess14 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
rkess14 BRONZE, Scotch Plains, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.”
-Bernard (The Rescuers)

This is a very interesting quote. The significance of this line is if you mess up one time, do not give up, you have to keep going. “Try, try again.” It is saying that you have to be brave, you need courage and you cannot give up. If you give up whenever you fail you will not get anything done in your life.
This sentence not only has to do with writing, it has to do with life in general. If you want become a baseball player you need to have courage. When you strike out, it is kind of like failing. If you don’t keep pushing to improve after this you will not get any better. If you are in a huge slump, then you would quit, and you would never be great.
In my journey as a writer I have faced many adversities. The important thing is that I overcame these challenges so I could become a better writer. From the beginning of our year with the “Why I Write” project I had to overcome difficulties. When I did not meet the requirement for page length I had to continue to work hard to add more. If I gave up I would have failed. When the next piece, the “Take A Stand” piece came up we had to write about a current event in the world. Again, there was a roadblock in my path that I had to overcome before I was able to finish the essay. I did not have enough evidence to support my reasoning. Already having knowledge and strategies about how to overcome difficulties this one was a piece of cake. On the final piece of the year, the “Historical Narrative,” I beat every challenge like an unstoppable boxer, pulverizing my opponents. When I didn’t have enough vocabulary words I worked hard to make myself used to using them, so it was easy to put it in my writing. This year has greatly improved my skills as a writer, and this quote perfectly describes how I grew into the writer I currently am.

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