The Path of Life | Teen Ink

The Path of Life

August 23, 2013
By _Fate_ GOLD, West Valley, Utah
_Fate_ GOLD, West Valley, Utah
15 articles 2 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
true love is forever

Many times over I have asked my self "To whom do I owe to the pleasures and displeasures of life and for every mistake to whom smust my debts be paid?" Life is confusing path one must navigate. I find that the journey to find oneself is a lonely one and often a difficult path to find. Telling the difference between your true path and a false one is not always easy. How can you tell the difference between the two? Some say that doing the right thing is never easy I suppose it deppends on the type of person you desire to be. The path of self discovery is riddled with obsticles must you overcome and trials to pass. It may not be the easiest thing in the world but I won't ever give up. Is it worth all the trouble? I honestly don't know the one thing I know for sure is that every trial every bump in the road and every tragety on the way has made who I am today. Even though I may have regrets over mistakes I have made in the past if I went back in time I would still do it again. I will continue down this road as hard as it may be. I believe everything happens for a reason, it shapes our lives to take us from who were yesterday, to who we are today, and finally what that makes us in the future.

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