The Worst surgery Ever | Teen Ink

The Worst surgery Ever

September 5, 2013
By tripleh BRONZE, Batseville, Indiana
tripleh BRONZE, Batseville, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The beginning of the day started with me being nervous as ever. I was jumping rope and everything else I could that used my legs before I couldn’t use them for 12 weeks. It was brutally nerve-racking to the point where I almost broke down and cried twice. Every one of my family members in Indiana wished me luck, because I was in Oklahoma. That made me feel a little better. But I was still nervous as ever.
When I got into the hospital, they got me into a room and got me ready for surgery. They had me climb into a bed and then rushed me to the surgery room, as I was scared out of my mind. They gave me laughing gas that tasted like root beer. Then I was out like a light. They did the surgery and put a big long legged cast on my right foot. I had pins inside of the bone of my foot, so every time I moved, the pins would wiggle and move inside of the bone in my foot. I was in that long-legged cast for what was supposed to be 6 weeks, but turned into 12 weeks.
I finally got my cast off and I was so happy for about five seconds because then they had to rip pins out of my foot with no sedatives. Then rushed me to x-ray where they caused me a whole bunch of more pain. This woman (who I don’t think knows anything about the delicate things about having a cast on for 12 weeks and then getting it off not even five minutes ago) pushes my leg straight just so she can get a good x-ray causing me so much pain that I couldn’t straighten my leg out for 2 months. Then I had to get another cast put on that same foot. My mother was having a shoving match with the cast guy, because he was hurting me and we both told him to stop and he wouldn’t stop. That was the time I had the worst surgery ever.

The author's comments:
it was personal

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