A Time I...Goofed Up | Teen Ink

A Time I...Goofed Up

October 2, 2013
By stephiee BRONZE, West Valley, New York
stephiee BRONZE, West Valley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My sister was watching me, which meant no supervision. Chip-chop, chip-chop! I laid down the adult-sized orange scissors. There I stood, a rebellious four year old. My new do was weightless, and my nice grown out hair, was a monstrous mess on the floor. On the bright side, I did not cut my ears, and I knew enough to clean up my mess. The funny thing is, I knew what I was doing was wrong the entire time, but I happened to do it anyways.

I thought I was so sneaky, especially because my mom did not even notice, at first. Okay she “noticed” but she just thought my hair was in a ponytail. Further into the night, my feeling of being the sneakiest four year old, diminished. My mom caught a glimpse of the back of my hair and started panicking. She didn’t know what to do with my scraggily hair. My parents were not happy with my decision of playing hairstylist at all. To this day my parents still blame my sister, and I haven’t said much to sway their thoughts otherwise, but I have become keenly aware that I should not push my limits.

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