Sexually Bullied | Teen Ink

Sexually Bullied

November 3, 2013
By Anonymous

I go to Middle School. I have never been bullied. It was gym class and this kid was trying to be violent. It was a nightmare for me to see. I was already having a bad mood, but I guess it did not stop. When I was at my locker getting my books for 2nd period, this kid went up to me started touching. He almost touched my private part. I felt like I was being harassed. After two days later and when it did not stop, I went up to him and told him to stop. He started to yell at me and started to follow me home. I had to tell my guidance counselor. But, I was too petrified and I was bawling my eyes out. It was like a nightmare that came true. When I got home from school, I went on Facebook and saw all these cruel comment. I tried cutting myself but, I could not because my mom asked me what I was doing with the knife. I was too frightened to even go to school. I felt like my life was over and that I had to kill myself. But I saw other kids that were being bullied and I didn't want to end up like them. I went straight to my guidance counselor and told her what happened. She told me to write a letter to my bully. This is what I wrote to him

Dear bully,

Do you know what you have done to my life? Do you realize that? DO YOU? I tried to cut myself but I got caught doing it. My mom cried every night and asking why do you bullies do that. I can get you written up for that. But I care too much for me to do that. But you are leading me to a high point in me doing that. You do know that you make feel like I am being sexually harassed right? I don’t want to cut myself everyday just because you have to ruin my life. I wish your parents could see what you have done with me. If I knew your parents I would seriously tell them how you have brutally wrecked my life. If you bully, it will get you no one in life. I hope you get what I am saying. STOP BULLYING! IT IS BAD FOR YOUR LIFE. YOU COULD BURN IN HELL FOR THAT! I think I am done and please think what you have done. Have a nice day and think about what you have done with my life. I don’t care what you say about me. I love myself for who I am.

I wrote this letter and he got 4 letters taken away. He also got written up. If you victims have been bullied, do what I had done. You may never know if that person could go to jail for that. Here is a prescription for those of you that have been bullied, write a letter and go get help. You victims you are beautiful inside and outside.

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