Einstein’s Chair | Teen Ink

Einstein’s Chair

October 3, 2013
By Mythri Ambatipudi SILVER, San Jose, California
Mythri Ambatipudi SILVER, San Jose, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Einstein’s Chair

I run my fingers over the cloth. Ah, soft and velvety! Just what I expected, save a few rough, threadbare spots that come with age. This predictability is so satisfying. I am sitting on the largest sofa in my family room, the most comfortable place in the entire house. The fluffy, brown cushions provide the perfect backrest and are the perfect accessories to the already perfect sofa. What a shiny, sturdy, golden-brown mahogany wooden frame! The spacious, storage drawers at the base of this sofa are a unique feature not found in many other models. Just perfect for storing knick-knacks. This sofa is the largest out of a three piece set. No doubt this one is the most comfortable. My parents purchased it just before I was born, almost as my coming into this world gift. My earliest childhood memories are those of jumping up and down on this sofa while listening to the nursery rhymes, coloring picture books, learning to jump off of it and land perfectly on the floor, and playing with a yoyo. I seem to have developed a deep personal and emotional connection with this piece of furniture.
This sofa is in front of a window, and warm light streams in all day long. Dressed in shorts and a short sleeved shirt, I bask in the sun reading Harry Potter. Could I ask for a better way to spend a vacation Day? There is perfect light and temperature. On a winter day, I could sit down in the sofa, wearing a half sleeve shirt. Surprise, surprise! No shivering at all! In the summer, I could wear a full sleeve shirt and not feel hot. The cushions feel as though they are full of feathers. They are so welcoming that once I sit down, I don’t want to get back up.
The sofa is located in the family room with the television right in front of it. Clearly, this sofa is meant to be used for our family to spend time together and to watch TV. Sometimes, however, I break the rules and sneak in with my school books and supplies to sit on the sofa. Shhh, I keep hoping my parents don’t notice. They think that this is a crime of the highest degree. Ugh! My attempts to sneak are usually futile. “Shouldn’t you go study in a quiet area?” they say in dangerously calm voices. How sad! I feel so miserable since the other available place, the dining table, has chairs that are as hard as a concrete. I feel that the cold and gloomy place is not conducive for studying. My parents are right, however, about the sofa not being the best place to study. It is so comfortable that it lulls me to sleep. Once, I was studying for a history test late at night, and whoosh! Just like that I realized that I had been asleep for an hour! I was already short on time, and I had just wasted precious moments. I have to be especially alert when I am studying for subjects like literature and history in the sofa. It is shocking how many details there are to memorize.
The sofa is also an ideal spot for tired souls to recover. Many times, after returning from an exhausting badminton class, I flop down in the sofa and simply lie there. A tasty snack and a glass of milk? Nope! Not even that can tempt me to get up. Also, when I am sick, I sit down backwards in the sofa facing the window behind it. For a few minutes, I just stare out the window, looking at our backyard, which is filled with fruit and vegetable trees, bushes, and vines. Pear, apple, nectarine, plum, apricot, persimmon, lemon, tangerine, cherry, pomegranate, and guava trees fill my view. There are also tomato plants, a raspberry plant, and a grape vine. The great view of the backyard that my sofa provides is truly soothing.
My sitting arrangement on the sofa varies with the seasons. During the coldest winter days, I wrap myself up in a thick black and red blanket. Then, I fold up my legs and curl up warmly. I’m as snug as a bug in a rug. It’s late at night usually. Ah, I start to feel drowsy and let sleep take over. In summer, I drag a table over to rest my feet on. Then, I sit back and relax. No matter how I sit, this sofa is always the best place to be.
What an old, worn out chair did for Einstein, this sofa did for me. While Einstein sat in his chair, brilliant ideas poured out of his brain. The same happens to me in my sofa. It was while sitting in this sofa that I thought of the topics for my last two science fair projects. To anyone else, it would seem like a coincidence that I won first and second place for those projects. To me? Nope! I am quite certain that my “Einstein’s chair” helped me come with these bright and winning ideas.
I love this sofa, and no matter how old it is, I will always love sitting in it. Unfortunately, this poor old sofa is becoming quite rickety. The cushion covers are beginning to fray and the wooden frame is getting chipped in numerous places. I wish my “Einstein’s chair” a happy and long life.

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