Hey There, Coco and Molly | Teen Ink

Hey There, Coco and Molly

November 13, 2013
By Grace Kim BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
Grace Kim BRONZE, Bellingham, Washington
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I used to plead for a dog. Every time I see any dog I would try to convince my mom into getting a dog. I begged every moment since I was 3 years old. I was put under their spell by their cuteness. Who can resist someone with big eyes and an adorable nose? I never knew how much effort it takes to train and take care of them. Every time I asked they would always answer when you are older and more responsible. They thought when middle school comes by that was about the time to get dogs. After all this begging I finally got my wish.

I ran out of school when the bell rang. Today was Friday, February 3rd. My siblings were screaming about that there were two new members to our family. My dad bought two dachshund dogs. I was thrilled and hopped in to the car as fast as I could. We discussed about where we adopted the dogs. Disappointingly they already had given names. When I walked into the house I saw two miniature dogs that had the most adorable face. They sat down on my dad’s lap like he was a couch. I approached very cautious and softly. I petted very gently for that I was afraid of getting bitten.

“They are adorable, “said Joyce. “Agreed,” I said. They were so calm and sweet. I took a deep breath and carried them in my arms. They looked delighted for the attention. I was so thrilled the not even thrill can describe this moment. I have a dog that is cute, gentle, loves to be played with, and there are two of them!!! Can anything else get any better?

The black dog was named Coco. The brown dog was named Molly. Judging by their appearances I thought that Coco looked cuter. The excitement ringed in the room and smiles were on all 8 family members. Now instead of 6 members of the family, there is eight.

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