First Time Volunteering to Feed the Homeless | Teen Ink

First Time Volunteering to Feed the Homeless

November 20, 2013
By fluffygarcia23 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
fluffygarcia23 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

This was my very first time volunteering to feed the homeless. It was a school field trip and we had to go to the center of Wilmington to get to the church that was going to give out the food. I remember setting up the tables filled with sandwiches and subs. I also remember helping out in the kitchen serving hot soup. We also had to open up big cans of fruit to give to the homeless.

When we finally finished setting up, it was time to open the doors. In the first minutes of opening the doors, the hall was already full. We were serving people one by one and then the tables were getting full. As me and my friend finished filling up one tray of little bowls of soup, we were already told we needed more. We barely managed to get a little break in between all of the pouring.

As me and my friend peeped out of the kitchen window, I was feeling bad seeing little kids and elderly people there. I started to think " what if that was my little nephew or grandfather out there. " and started to feel even worse. There was a lot of different people from different nationalities there. There were Asians, Hispanics, white people, and black people there. They all seemed really happy as if they weren't homeless at all.

After everybody left it was time to clean up. We all started cleaning up the dishes, wiping down the tables, and brooming. I was the one stuck with the brooming. There was surprisingly very little trash to pick up. Everybody was respectful and threw out their own trash.

What that field trip showed me was to not give up so easily. It showed me to not be disrespectful towards someone that's down on their luck because that could happen to any one of us. It also showed me that when I feel like I'm down on my worst luck, I look like someone on their best luck. It showed me to show respect to those homeless people who can't do anything about that. Last but not least, that field trip showed me not to be stingy and if I can give a little time or money to the homeless because they will really appreciate it.

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