Name Piece | Teen Ink

Name Piece

December 11, 2013
By Erika Galstad GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Erika Galstad GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I walk through the airport, memories flow vividly through my mind. While walking you to your designated terminal it finally hit me. You’re leaving. As my deep blue eyes well up with tears, you stare down at me, helplessly.

I watch your plane effortlessly leave the hanger. Before I couldn’t see the massive airplane anymore my phone buzzed with the message, “I miss you, already Rickster.” After looking up from reading this simple five word message, you were gone. I sat down on one of many blue airport chairs, and sobbed to myself. For an hour I sat there thinking how my life had changed so immensely in a matter of weeks. As I got up from that cradling, blue chair, I realized that no matter the miles that separate us, you would forever be with me at heart.

As I dash through the San Francisco Airport with my luggage, thoughts dart through my brain. Dodging oncoming travelers, I anxiously race to see you for the first time in six months. I come to a halt when I eventually spot you. I swiftly prance to you with tears of happiness uncontrollably being released from my deep blue eyes. As my deep blue eyes are overflowing with tears, you stare at me, only this time with content.

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