Do Parents Know Their Teen Drink? | Teen Ink

Do Parents Know Their Teen Drink?

January 20, 2014
By Juli_22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Juli_22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

According to Holly Epstein Ojalvo, teen drinking in high school has been increasing over the years and some parents have no idea that their kids are drinking right under their noses.

There was a survey that was taken and put into a blog by Lisa Belkin that explains the way parents see their children when it comes to drugs and alcohol.

It says that only ten percent of parents nationwide believe their teens have been using alcohol or drugs in the past year and other parents tend to ‘turn their noses up’ to the idea.

It also says parents tend to believe their children could never do things like that.

Even though only a small amount of parents believed that their kids were drinking, about 52% of all the high school students that were polled said that they drink.

The average age that girls start drinking is 13 and the average for boys is 11.

Drinking this early in life can cause new problems to arise.

Suicide, alcoholism, and being involved in violent behaviors are some of the things that can arise when kids drink at a young age.

Parents talking to their kids before this age, or this problem arises, could possibly help prevent these kids from becoming drinking teens.
This would completely erase or at least help this problem of teens drinking without their parents knowing and some of these kids could become better students, children, and friends.

The only exception to this rule of drinking underage is if the parents feel that at a certain age, like 17 or 18, that their kids can drink in their own home and they will take the blame if the child does anything wrong.

That should not be a problem, but aside from that there should be more parents talking to their kids about drinking and parents should be more cautious about their children’s actions in their own house.

The author's comments:
I thought of this because of my friends who has an alcoholism problem and I just wanted to give information about how many kids are really drinking.

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