Concentration Killers: The Age of Multitasking | Teen Ink

Concentration Killers: The Age of Multitasking

January 16, 2014
By ANienhaus BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
ANienhaus BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In today’s society, almost every teenager and adult own some type of electronic. Whether it is a computer, iPod, iPad, or smart phone, we can gather information with a click of a button. There has been more information available to humans in the last thirty years than there was in the five thousand years prior.

In this article, it talks about how this generation has become so used to being able to retrieve inform in a matter of seconds that when it takes more, we often become impatient. Instead of waiting for the page we are on to load, we switch between screens and often start using other apps or surfing new pages. Is causes our brains to require more energy to remain concentrated on only one task at a time. This is an awful habit that causes us to take prolonged amounts of time to finish one task. Instead of completing one task at a time, our brains have become adapt to multitasking.
Social media and technically are a part of our every day lives, but at what cost is constantly being up to date with everyone around you? Between Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, Vine, YouTube, and Pintrest, getting connected to people is even easier. According to Business Insider, ninety three percent of marketers and companies use different variations of social media for their businesses. There are millions of social media badges that will link you to different websites and companies. Everywhere you look social media surrounds you. More than 2 billion tweets are sent every two to three days on twitter, 55 million Instagrams are posted every day, and each day over 56 million statuses are updated on Facebook. According to Business Insider, 25% of smartphone owners say they can’t even remember the last time their smart phone wasn’t next to them.
This article is right in the fact that our society has become too reliant on technology and constantly being connected to the world around them. Snapchat, Candy Crush, and virtually all-social media are a waste of time, money, and energy. It’s doing nothing but making our brains become used to multitasking and causing our attention spans to decrease.

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