I Believe In Pizza | Teen Ink

I Believe In Pizza

January 24, 2014
By Mimi Leidecker BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
Mimi Leidecker BRONZE, Paducah, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in pizza.
Late nights and early mornings with only enough money to buy the cheapest, most easily accessible food there is; that’s how I live. I live for the nights I can’t remember, with people I can’t remember as well. All the nights we made phone calls for delivery, and all the early mornings I woke up in the floor, and the food still tastes good the second time. I can’t “not believe” in pizza.

I believe in pizza.
Rainy days, with nothing better to do than cuddle up and watch movies in my Snuggie, I always have a two liter and a box of pizza in front of me. Rather than being outside, so cold you can see my breath, I’d rather be inside eating a pizza with steam still rolling off its toppings.
I believe in pizza.
When I’m at my lowest points, and feeling like nothing is going my way, I always have a cheesy masterpiece beside me. Nothing makes me feel better than a warm, full feeling in the pit of my stomach. Pizza is the answer to all of my low feelings.
I believe in pizza.
Ideas for the I Believe essays were taken from This I Believe, The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women, published in association with NPR.

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