One Saturday | Teen Ink

One Saturday

February 4, 2014
By Anonymous

It was a saturday. A lonely rainy saturday. The bottle she drank from was almost empty, and the child who grew inside her was not yet ready for what was to come. It was her wedding day. She sat in the hotel room with her sister, who had encouraged her to take that sip of vodka. She knew better not to marry him. But her child needed a father.
4 years later:
He was on the couch, it was around his 6th beer. The child was around 3 and a half. The child was frightened by the way her father drank, but she did not know any different. This day he was depressed, in fact most days he was depressed. The only cure he had was to play with the little girl, but he did not have the momentum to rise from the couch. She was out at her art gallery, painting her depression away. She had not wanted to stay near him, as he lingered on the couch sipping his beer. He was sad. She was sad. The child was not affected.
13 years later: The child was no longer a child, she was a young lady. But the years of beer sipping that her father did and the avoidance of her two parents, had stayed with her throughout her childhood. The constant arguments. The elaborate tears her mother shed. But the young lady had a crack in her heart. She did not resent her mother. She did not resent her father. But she resented herself, for being born.

The author's comments:
This free-write poem is about my life story but from the third person point of view. It starts on January 11th, 1997, a saturday. This day is the day that my parents were married. My mother was already pregnant with me and although she did not want to marry my father she didn't want me to grow up without a dad. My parents avoided each other most of my childhood and whenever they were together it was a continuous argument. Till the age of 16 i resented myself for being born but since then with the help of therapy I have been able to realize it was never my fault.

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