Life is a Labyrinth | Teen Ink

Life is a Labyrinth

February 11, 2014
By marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is banging a girl and I'm banging a lamp named Henry"

I've felt a broken heart. I've seen the sun as it rises and the moon as it sets. I've heard sharp words that stab the wounded. I once knew someone that had the same name as me. I was scared. Twice I've looked directly into the sun just to see if it would hurt. I've cried tears of blood and felt them run down my cheeks. I once pricked my finger on a rose bush to be able see ironic beauty. I've seen people crumble and I've seen people rise from the ashes. I know what it means to love and I know what means to lose. Once I lived in a padded cell within my mind. I broke out. I've been back to that cell many times. I've felt the softness of a puppy's fur. I've seen the tears of an innocent and the cries of the not so innocent. Once I saw the devil when I looked in a mirror. I conjured him. I tell you sincerely that regrets are useless. I've heard music in complete silence. I was the expected child of the proud. I've known what it feels like to disappoint someone. I love the middle of the night when everyone else is asleep. I've heard voices that scream. I've lost loved ones. I witnessed two raccoon travel together. I longed to be one of those raccoons. no such luck. maybe i just wanted the companionship. no such luck. I've learned it's ok to be alone. I've learned things are better with people. I'm a child lost inside thoughts of candyland. I've held a bird with a broken wing in my closed hands and seen it disappear as i opened them. I witnessed a dog as it took its last breath. I bought masks to hide behind. I've fallen in love. I've fought for love. twice i looked at my puppy and cried because of how pure he was. I once went to church and felt like I had committed a sin. I lost myself for a time in a maze.

The author's comments:
This piece about all the thought that run through my head constantly.

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