The Creatures of the Night | Teen Ink

The Creatures of the Night

February 21, 2014
By marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
marshmallowheart27 SILVER, PORTLAND, Oregon
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone is banging a girl and I'm banging a lamp named Henry"

My favorite time in the entire day is when it's really late at night. When the moon is at it's highest point and it's pale white glowing reflects off the darkness surrounding it. When the stars light up the dark abyss that is the night sky. When the stars look like those little pieces of glitter I would use on every art project in first grade. I look at the stars and they seem as if they might just float down into my hands. What we are looking at when we look up at the stary night sky is the past. Those stars are millions of years ahead of what we see. However, they sit so still and peaceful. They show us that we should never fear what is to come. Both my childhood and my adulthood are represented within these stars, these stars are everything to me. That's why when I'm laying awake during my favorite time of the day I look up for a little while at those stars.

When i'm up everyone else is asleep. Its the most poetic thing I have ever experienced. I am alone. I can hear the silence. However, people are all around me. I am alone yet never alone. There is something nice knowing that you're up at this time. It's that feeling of being the only person in the world awake. It's as if the world, the silent cold beautiful dark world is yours just yours. Their is something ironically beautiful in that feeling and I wouldn't give it up for anything. I am no longer scared of the creatures of the night. Because I am one. I might not be the boogeyman or a vampire but I live in the darkness of the night just as they do.

In this exact moment I am sitting leaning against a wall. All the lights are off. The only light is coming from my illuminating laptop screen. Directly upstairs my mom is a probably fast asleep. Next to me laying on my couch is my cousin asleep and dreaming. It is so peaceful. I have sleeping problems. I can't fall asleep until around 3 or 4 in the morning. I used to be inconvenienced by this and would just become angry and anxious when I couldn't sleep. However, now looking out my window at the moon and the stars as they whisper secrets to each other I love it. I know its not right to go to bed at 3 and get up at twelve but I can't fix it so why feel bad about it. Why not just accept it and realize the beauty that it holds. Because that's what you should do with everything! Regrets are useless, you learn something from everything that happens; good or bad. Accept the bad and the failures and the mistakes and find the teachings and the beauty those experiences hold. That is what I've started doing and I can tell you that I've never appreciated the night until I let it in.

The author's comments:
I love the night time I just find something beautiful about it...

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