Something Bad... | Teen Ink

Something Bad...

March 12, 2014
By Anonymous

I never knew or even thought I’d go through some of these bad things. I’ve heard that good things can come out of good, and I guess that’s true to a degree. Well, I guess I’ll start now.

Last year was something crazy. A lot of bad things happened. I’ll start with this one first.

I was sexually assaulted about a year ago. Before that, at the beginning of class at school, the guy started telling everyone that he was going to have sex with me. That was so untrue. I barely even talked to the guy. And I was new at this school… Then he assaulted me in front of two other people. One was his friend and one was someone who I thought was my friend. I told my mother, pissed off and angry. She told the principal.

I remember the girl that I thought was my friend who saw it happen. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive her. She told the principal that nothing happened. She then told me that she told them because she didn’t want anyone to get in trouble. I believe that that was so very utterly heartless of her. She’d let a person like that just not get in trouble?! Yeah… There’s people in the world like that…

It was a Friday when it happened. I remember everything of that day. I don’t know why the human brain decides to remember the worst days of a person’s life and you have to search your memories for the good one sometimes.

After the day that happened to me, I cried myself to sleep. I never expected how it would feel like for something like that to happen to someone. I never thought that I would have to go through that pain.

I still went to school. I had half my classes with him so my teachers made him move his desk or seat across the room away from me. That helped NOTHING. He’d find excuses to get up and pass my desk. Like going to the bathroom or throwing something away. Every time he passes me, he’d draw his hand across my desk and just smirk. He taunted/bullied me like that. He knew it made me uncomfortable so that’s why he did it. I told my mom about this and she and my dad contacted the school again, they were outraged nothing was being dealt with.

All the principal did was tell all my teachers and his to make sure he stays away from me in their classes and in the hallway. That didn’t help a lot either because he was able to find me and assault me a second time.

My mom’s friend was a teacher at the school and was my English teacher that year. I went to her and told her about what he did to me, crying. He came out into the hall and she told me she’d talk to him. Afterwards she called me out into the hall to tell me what the conversation went like.

She told him to make a point to stay away from me. He said I was just making a big deal out of it. She told him that it was a big deal and it makes me uncomfortable and that he needs to stay away from me.

Some other things happened also. His friends would talk to me during class and say things like, “Do you like it when he touches you. Do you like it when he does that stuff to you. I bet you like it.”

I snapped and brought my voice loudly saying, “You know nothing. You need to shut your freaking mouth about things you don’t know anything about. This isn’t any of your business.”

I started writing something on paper to the teacher and trying hard not to cry. His friend said, “What are you going to tell on me?” and I tried to ignore them all. I got up and left class and ran to my mom’s classroom at school and told her what happened and told her that I was checking out. I called someone in my family and got myself out of school for that day.

That day I just gave up on life. I skipped school for nearly a month. My parents encouraged me to go to school but every time I tried, he would taunt me. I was glad when school ended. Now, a year later I don’t want or like anyone to touch me, not even a pat on the shoulder. It makes me want to vomit no matter who it is.

I made new friends at school. The first year (the year I was assaulted) I didn’t make many friends because I just didn’t talk to anyone.

I told two of my new friends how I was sexually assaulted. I found out that I wasn’t the only one assaulted by him. He got away with each of ours. All we know is that he has assaulted a handful of girls and harassed them. He is also sex-crazed or something. He bugs all his girl friends to have sex with him or begs them to be his friends-with-benefits.

How I feel now:

Yes, I’m a Christian. Yet, I wish him the most horrible death possible sometimes but I wish God can reach him. I won’t put details on what should happen to him because I don’t believe this is the right place. The thing is, I also wish the principal regrets and feels pain every time he sees me or the person who assaulted me. I hope he regrets it the rest of his life because I have to deal with the thought of knowing justice hasn’t and most likely will never be served. I hope the principal one day finds out I wasn’t the only one who was sexually assaulted by him.

I pray for all the girls that may be hurt by him the rest of his life. He will be a criminal one day. He already is one.

If you have ever been assaulted, I encourage you to speak out and tell someone. I know you may want to die. I know you may feel alone. I know you may feel embarrassed. But you aren’t alone and you have to tell someone. Things do get better. I promise. And if you have never been assaulted, if you ever are; beat them up. Put them in the hospital. Fight and if they are a guy, kick them so hard in the balls that they’ll need a heart surgeon to get them out. You will regret not fighting them, not beating them, not putting them in the hospital. I know I do.

These things happen and there are a lot of people who don’t tell anyone that they were assaulted.

Thank you if you read this. I’m glad to get this out and I hope I can help someone with my story.

The author's comments:
We all go through something hard in life...

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