Failure | Teen Ink


April 2, 2014
By Anonymous

We have always had a cottage that is old and small. The patio stones across the base of the cottage were cracked with age the dock out across the clean tended to lake, was old and rotting. We stayed here for days on end in the summer.

I was never allowed to go in the water without a life jacket on. We also had a sea doo that my dad let me drive when I was 7, with him on the back of course. I loved to go fast and jump waves that the joy-riding speed boats made with indescribable force from the 200 hp inboard motor. Flying into the fresh morning air and smiling away all of the thought that previously were crowding my mind. We smacked the water and jetted off to the next wave. Then at that moment was when I saw the boat of my high flying dreams. A boat made for professional wakeboarding. The wave that the fairly small boat made were well over Three feet tall. Three feet might seem small but when you are sitting on a Two and a half foot tall sea doo it is kinda scary. I was up for the challenge but I don't know about my dad, I was just glad I was driving. I raced toward the wave and just as we began to go up the wave…The wave split and all off the water of the wave slammed into us and knocked us off the sea doo. It was a blow to the body but we continued.

We drove easy and then when my dad and I were ready we took off. There was this one thing i had always wanted to try and that was a doughnut (sharp turn then the sea doo spins out.) I begged to my dad behind me, “Can I please do one!”

“sure, but only one.” So of course I tried it...Perfect! I tried it again but it did not work out so well. I had done something wrong and the engine of the sea doo quit. The bigger problem was we were in the middle of the lake. The lake is not that big but it is still a chore to swim a sea doo back. Once we got it there we took out pontoon and pulled it to the boat launch where my dad was waiting with the trailer. We hauled the sea doo away and went to the closest marina to see what was wrong with it. The engine was broke so we just sold it to them and whet without a sea doo. I was so disappointed that I broke the most fun thing at the lake, until 2012 when we got two new sea doo’s. So I guess ruining it wasn't so bad.

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