How My Life Has Changed | Teen Ink

How My Life Has Changed

April 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Being a child of seven kids, boring into a family of drug addicts.. it's hard to believe that I'm still here today. I was adopted and it was such a miracle that I was. I was adopted with my two sisters. I wasn't allowed to see my other siblings because no one knew what had happened to them after my adoption. At the age of 13, I started making terrible mistakes. I would steal, smoke marijuana and I had sex for the first time. My life was going downhill from there. My father got very angry with my behavior and actions. One day we got into a physical fight and he had left bruies on my arm. I called my aunt the next day and moved in with them. CPS was called, but I had told them nothing happened. For months I didn't speak to my father. He had then writen me a letter of appology and I had finally decided to accept it. My relationship with my parents are so much stronger now that I had moved and gotten my life straightened out. Smoking marijuana, steal and having sex is no longer a part of my life. And I am thankful for it. It's hard to choose wether to continue doing illegal things or not because it gives you a rush. Moving away from all of that and away from my "friends" was the best thing that has happened to me. It changed my life. Maybe it could change others too?

The author's comments:
What inspired me, was that I believe peoples stories deserve to be heard. Everyone has a story, and every single one of them deserve to be heard.

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